Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Four months already???!!!

Wow!!! time flies... it's been four months since my last update...So much has been going on that it's hard to put into words but here goes an effort...What's on my needles (as I've mentioned the previous update?)

Well, another 3 dolls from the Book "Dumpling Ladies" by a UK knitter and here are the pictures...

Felts, Ribbons, and Fabrics

Definition of FELT:
is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing woolen fibers. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can be of any color, and made into any shape or size.

With its bright colors and no-fray edges, felt is one of the most enjoyable materials around.
So, here's some of the things that's I've made using felt.

Code: HairBand_Owl_Brown RM9.00

Code: HairBand_Owl_Green RM9.00

Code: HairClip_Ele_White RM:8.00

Code: HairClip_Ele_Pink RM:8.00

Code: HairClip_Ele_Green RM:8.00

Code: HairBand_Ele_Blue RM:7.00

Code: HairClip_felt_sunflower RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_felt_IceCream RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_felt_Apple RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_felt_Owl RM:6.00

You will get this embellishment for Free, if you purchase all 4 hairclips (Hairclip_felt_Sunflower, IceCream, Apple and Owl

Turn colorful fabrics and ribbons into hairclips or hairbands, yet, another great crafts.
Don't you think so?

Code: HairClip_Ribbon_Red RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_Ribbon_Blue RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_Ribbon_Pink RM:6.00

Code: HairClip_Ribbon_Black RM:6.00

Code: Hairclip_yoyo_01 RM:6.00

Code: Hairclip_yoyo_02 RM:6.00

Code: Hairclip_yoyo_03 RM:8.00

You will get this embellishment for Free, if you purchase all 3 hairclips (Hairclip_yoyo_01,
Hairclip_yoyo_02 and Hairclip_yoyo_03)

Alphabet Key Chain - Custom made

Code: alpha_keychain RM6.00

Flower Hairband using felt and beads

Code: Hairband_flower(a) RM4.00

Code: Hairband_flower(b) RM4.00

Code: Hairband_flower(c) RM4.00

Code: Hairband_flower(d) RM4.00

Monday, June 27, 2011

Angry Birds... aren't they cute?

"oohhhh... gonna crochet these"... these are the words that I told myself when I first saw it on the web... After trying very hard to get it look like the birds... here's the outcome and I love it and hope you will too...

The "Angry Birds Gang"

Code: AngryBirdRed

Code: AngryBirdYellow

Code: AngryBirdGreen

Code: AngryBirdBlue

Code: AngryBirdBlack

Code: AngryBirdWhite

Code: AngryBirdPig

Talk about a great gift for kids!!! Put them in their party packs, it will be a really, really, really special gift...

Yoga Mat Cover

I've crocheted a Yoga mat cover for my Mother-In-Law for her daily Yoga exercise so that she could get in style...hehe :P
But to my surprise this yoga cover was a hit thing there :) Many of her friends asked me to crochet for them and so here's some pictures taken, as soon as I've finished them...

Code: YogaCover_01

Code: YogaCover_02 SOLD

Code: YogaCover_03

Code: YogaCover_04 SOLD

Code: YogaCover_05 SOLD